Thursday, December 22, 2011

What a day!

1. The second graders came in and we got to show them our biographies that we have been working so hard on. Ms. Kath liked the biographies so much that she wants to create a BOOK! We also had a read-in.
S loves to read
Some girls made a reading corner of their own!

Library corner during the read in.
F. likes to cozy up and read with her friends!

T. wore her goofy bear slippers!

2. We earned our fancy lunch in the cafeteria by reading over 1.5 MILLION minutes. We are very proud of our classmate T, it was announced he had read the most minutes in ALL of 4th grade this morning.

3. In the afternoon we had our "Magical Math Celebration". Mrs. Brown made gingerbread houses, Mrs. Yaglowski showed Donald Duck in Mathmagicland, Mr. Engel was in charge of computer math games and I got to lead "Geometric Penguins"! We had a total blast. To quote one student, "Ms. McCormick, this was the best day of 2011!"

Geometric Penguin

4. At the end of the day, we wished each other a fantastic end to 2011, and talked about all the things we are looking forward to in 2012.

Have a wonderful winter break 4th graders! See you in 2012!

Ms. McCormick

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